2023 | Electa architettura books 1997–2023 | editorial design | architecture, design, publishing | Electa |
2023 | Nuove cantine italiane. Territori e architetture | campaigns, editorial design, exhibition graphics, poster, visual identity | architecture, exhibition | Electa |
2022 | Rubens a Genova | campaigns, digital & web, editorial design, merchandise, motion graphics, poster, visual identity | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2022 | A&a Architetti e architettura – a book series | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2021 | L’alba della modernità | editorial design, exhibition graphics, visual identity | architecture, arts, culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa, Parco Archeologico del Colosseo |
2020 | Raffaello e la Domus Aurea | editorial design, exhibition graphics | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa, Parco Archeologico del Colosseo |
2020 | Santiago Calatrava. Nella luce di Napoli | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa, Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte |
2019 | Trilogia del Colosseo | editorial design, merchandise | culture, publishing | Electa |
2019 | The Domus Aurea Book | editorial design | culture, publishing | Electa |
2019 | Ō Tempo di | campaigns, visual identity | culture, institutions | Electa, Museo Nazionale Romano |
2019 | I Modi. Giulio Romano e gli altri | editorial design | arts, culture, publishing | Electa |
2019 | Napoli Napoli. Di lava, porcellana e musica | editorial design, signage | arts, publishing | Electa, Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte |
2019 | Canova. I volti ideali | editorial design, exhibition graphics, visual identity | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa, GAM Galleria d'Arte Moderna Milano |
2019 | Metropolitana di Roma Fori Imperiali | environmental graphics | corporate, institutions | Electa |
2019 | Gianni Berengo Gardin. Roma | editorial design | arts, culture, exhibition, publishing | Electa |
2019 | Plessi a Caracalla | exhibition graphics, visual identity | arts, exhibition, publishing | Electa |
2019 | The Roman Forum Book | editorial design | culture, publishing | Electa |
2019 | Domus Transitoria | editorial design, exhibition graphics, signage, visual identity | culture, institutions, museum, publishing | Electa |
2019 | Museo Nazionale Romano & Museo Nazionale Etrusco 1889-2019 | visual identity | arts, culture, institutions | Electa |
2018 | Il Colosseo si racconta | campaigns, signage, visual identity | culture, institutions, museum | Electa |
2018 | Pompei e gli Etruschi | campaigns, editorial design, exhibition graphics, visual identity | culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa, Parco Archeologico di Pompei |
2018 | Roma Universalis | campaigns, editorial design, environmental graphics, exhibition graphics, signage, visual identity | culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2018 | Vatican Chapels | campaigns, editorial design, exhibition graphics, merchandise, visual identity | architecture, exhibition, institutions, retail | Electa, Pontificio Consiglio della Cultura |
2018 | Mauro Staccioli. Sensibile ambientale | editorial design, exhibition graphics, visual identity | arts, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2018 | Il Palatino e il suo giardino segreto | visual identity | culture, exhibition, institutions | Electa |
2017 | Carta Bianca. Capodimonte Imaginaire | editorial design, exhibition graphics, signage, visual identity | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2017 | Venezia: la grande Accademia | editorial design | architecture, culture, publishing | Electa |
2017 | Museo Nazionale Romano | merchandise, signage, visual identity | culture, institutions, museum | Electa, Museo Nazionale Romano |
2017 | Amori Divini | campaigns, editorial design, exhibition graphics, visual identity | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli |
2017 | Colosseo | editorial design | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2017 | Walter Benjamin. Tolgo la mia biblioteca dalle casse | editorial design, typography | culture, publishing | Electa |
2017 | Pompei e i Greci | campaigns, environmental graphics, exhibition graphics, merchandise, visual identity | culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa, Parco Archeologico di Pompei |
2017 | The Colosseum Book | editorial design | arts, culture, exhibition, publishing | Electa |
2017 | Colosseo. Un’icona | campaigns, exhibition graphics, visual identity | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions | Electa |
2017 | Rinascite | editorial design, visual identity | arts, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa, Museo Nazionale Romano |
2017 | RizzoliElecta | visual identity | corporate, publishing | Electa |
2017 | Albrecht Dürer. Come sentirò freddo dopo il sole | editorial design, exhibition graphics, visual identity | arts, exhibition, publishing | Electa |
2017 | Palatino Contemporaneo. Da Duchamp a Cattelan | campaigns, editorial design, signage, visual identity | arts, culture, exhibition, publishing | Electa |
2017 | Enciclopedia delle arti contemporanee 1–4 | editorial design | arts, culture, publishing | Electa |
2017 | Museo Archeologico Nazionale Napoli | visual identity | competition, culture, institutions, museum | Electa |
2016 | Il Fondaco dei Tedeschi, Venezia, OMA | editorial design, strategy | architecture, culture, publishing | Electa |
2015 | La forza delle rovine | campaigns, editorial design, exhibition graphics, visual identity | culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2015 | Giotto, l’Italia | editorial design, exhibition graphics, merchandise, visual identity | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2015 | Mito e natura | campaigns, editorial design, exhibition graphics, visual identity | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions | Comune di Milano, Electa |
2014 | Museo Palatino | exhibition graphics, signage, visual identity | culture, institutions, museum | Electa |
2014 | Palazzo Bricherasio | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Banca Patrimoni Sella & C, Electa |
2014 | Bimillenario Augusteo | campaigns, visual identity | arts, culture, institutions | Electa |
2014 | Renzo Piano RPBW | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2013 | Marco Delogu, ritratti di ritratti | visual identity | arts, exhibition, institutions | Electa |
2013 | Non-finito, infinito | visual identity | culture, exhibition, institutions | Electa |
2013 | Made in Polimi | editorial design | architecture, design, education, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2013 | Colosseo | environmental graphics, signage | culture, institutions, museum | Electa |
2013 | Luigi Ghirri. Pensare per immagini | editorial design | architecture, culture, exhibition, publishing | Electa |
2013 | Post Classici. Antico e arte contemporanea | editorial design, environmental graphics, exhibition graphics, signage, visual identity | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2013 | Paulo Mendes da Rocha | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2013 | Mostri. Creature fantastiche della paura e del mito | editorial design | exhibition, publishing | Electa |
2012 | Max Dudler. Architetture dal 1979 | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2012 | Giulio Carlo Argan intellettuale e storico dell’arte | editorial design | arts, culture, publishing | Electa |
2011 | Sicilia Arte Archeologia Architettura Antichità | editorial design, exhibition graphics, visual identity | competition, culture, institutions, museum | Electa |
2011 | Michelangelo Pistoletto. Da uno a molti | editorial design | arts, culture, publishing | Electa |
2011 | La Via Appia. Laboratorio di mondi possibili | visual identity | arts, culture | Electa |
2011 | Indian Highway | editorial design | arts, culture, exhibition, publishing | Electa |
2011 | Germano Celant. Arte povera | editorial design | arts, culture, publishing | Electa |
2011 | Electa architettura art direction | editorial design, strategy, visual identity | architecture, culture, design, publishing | Electa |
2011 | Nerone | campaigns, editorial design, environmental graphics, exhibition graphics, visual identity | culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2011 | Dante Gabriel Rossetti & Edward Burne-Jones | editorial design, visual identity | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2011 | MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo | merchandise | arts, institutions, museum | Electa |
2011 | Electa arte art direction | editorial design, strategy, visual identity | arts, culture, design, publishing | Electa |
2010 | Sussidiario. Grafica e caratteri moderni | editorial design, strategy | arts, design, publishing | Electa |
2010 | Elisa Sighicelli | editorial design | arts, publishing | Electa |
2010 | Pietro Cascella al Planetario | editorial design | arts, publishing | Electa |
2010 | Invito a tavola. Ceramiche alla Crypta Balbi | visual identity | arts, culture, museum | Electa |
2010 | Cantiere d’autore | editorial design | arts, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2010 | Gladiatores | campaigns, editorial design, environmental graphics, exhibition graphics, visual identity | culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2010 | MAXXI architettura. Fotografia | editorial design | architecture, institutions, museum, publishing | Electa |
2010 | Tadao Ando | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2010 | Aris Kostantinidis 1913-1993 | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2009 | Tadao Ando & François Pinault | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2009 | Futurismo Manifesto 100X100 | editorial design | arts, culture, design, publishing | Electa |
2009 | Storia moderna dell’arte in Italia | editorial design | arts, publishing | Electa |
2009 | Afra e Tobia Scarpa architetti 1959–1999 | editorial design | architecture, design, publishing | Electa |
2009 | La Villa dei Papiri | editorial design | publishing | Electa |
2009 | Colosseo, Foro Romano, Palatino | environmental graphics, signage | culture, institutions, museum | Electa |
2009 | Carlo Mollino. Introduzione al discesismo | editorial design | design, publishing | Electa |
2009 | Anfiteatro Flavio | environmental graphics, signage | culture, institutions, museum | Electa |
2009 | Pittura pompeiana | editorial design, visual identity | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2009 | Marcel Duchamp | editorial design | arts, publishing | Electa |
2009 | Divus Vespasianus | campaigns, editorial design, environmental graphics, exhibition graphics, visual identity | culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2009 | La Collezione Farnese | campaigns, exhibition graphics, signage, visual identity | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions, museum | Electa |
2009 | Ivan Leonidov 1902-1960 | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2009 | Arienti. Arte in-percettibile | signage, visual identity | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2009 | Electa arte books 2009–2020 | editorial design | arts, exhibition, museum, publishing | Electa |
2008 | Gaetano Pesce Pink Pavilion | editorial design | culture, design, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2008 | Il Gladiatore | campaigns, editorial design, visual identity | culture, exhibition, publishing | Electa |
2008 | Fiori Blu – a book series | editorial design | arts, culture, publishing | Electa |
2008 | Che cos’è il Design italiano? | editorial design | culture, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2008 | Luciano Baldessarri, capolavori brevi | editorial design | architecture, design, publishing | Electa |
2008 | Bonacolsi l’antico | editorial design, visual identity | arts, culture, exhibition, publishing | Electa |
2008 | Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici di Roma | visual identity | culture, institutions, museum | Electa |
2008 | Etruschi. Le antiche metropoli | editorial design | culture, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2008 | Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Gli arredi e gli spazi | editorial design | architecture, culture, publishing | Electa |
2008 | Alik Cavaliere | editorial design | arts, publishing | Electa |
2008 | Rovine e rinascite dell’arte | editorial design, exhibition graphics, visual identity | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2008 | Ercolano, tre secoli di scoperte | editorial design, exhibition graphics, visual identity | culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2008 | Alexander Calder | editorial design | arts, publishing | Electa |
2008 | Museo Archeologico dei Campi Flegrei | exhibition graphics, visual identity | culture, institutions, museum | Electa |
2008 | Electa Artlover | merchandise, visual identity | arts, culture, design, institutions | Electa |
2008 | Casabella 1928–2008 | editorial design | architecture, design, publishing | Electa |
2008 | Casa del balilla. Architettura e Fascismo | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2008 | Trionfi romani | campaigns, editorial design, exhibition graphics, visual identity | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2008 | Giacomo Balla. Genio futurista | editorial design | arts, culture, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2008 | Electa arte guides & catalogues 2008–2018 | editorial design | arts, publishing | Electa |
2008 | Tadao Ando incontro | poster | architecture | Electa |
2008 | Viaggio in Portogallo | poster | architecture | Electa |
2007 | Rosso pompeiano | editorial design, environmental graphics, exhibition graphics, visual identity | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2007 | Ugo Mulas. La scena dell’arte | campaigns, editorial design, visual identity | culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2007 | Felice Casorati | editorial design | arts, culture, publishing | Electa |
2007 | Alma Tadema e la nostalgia dell’antico | editorial design, exhibition graphics | arts, exhibition, publishing | Electa |
2007 | Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici di Roma | editorial design, strategy | culture, institutions, museum, publishing | Electa |
2007 | In scæna | campaigns, editorial design, environmental graphics, exhibition graphics, visual identity | culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2007 | Ettore Sottsass. I wonder why | editorial design | culture, design, exhibition, publishing | Electa |
2007 | Saggi illustrati – a book series | editorial design | architecture, culture, publishing | Electa |
2007 | Lucio Fontana scultore | campaigns, environmental graphics, exhibition graphics, visual identity | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions | Electa |
2007 | Dürer e l’Italia | editorial design | arts, culture, publishing | Electa |
2007 | Monografie del ’900 | editorial design | publishing | Electa |
2007 | Giuseppe Penone. Sculture di linfa | editorial design, merchandise | arts, culture, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2007 | Canova e la Venere vincitrice | editorial design | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2007 | Mark Rothko. Lo spazio e la sua disciplina | editorial design | arts, publishing | Electa |
2007 | Francesco Vezzoli. Democrazy | editorial design | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2007 | Guido Guidi. Bunker | editorial design | publishing | Electa |
2007 | Eros | campaigns, editorial design, environmental graphics, exhibition graphics, merchandise, strategy, visual identity | arts, culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2007 | Saggi gialli – a book series | editorial design | arts, publishing | Electa |
2007 | Collage/Collages. Dal Cubismo al New Dada | editorial design | arts, culture, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2007 | Le Corbusier. Poeme de l’angle droit | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2007 | Renzo Piano. Gli schizzi | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2006 | Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna | campaigns, editorial design, visual identity | arts, culture, institutions, museum, publishing | Electa |
2006 | Roma Barocca | editorial design, exhibition graphics, visual identity | architecture, culture, exhibition, institutions, publishing | Electa |
2006 | Skidmore Owings & Merrill | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2006 | Pesci rossi – a book series | editorial design | arts, culture, publishing | Electa |
2005 | Fernando Tàvora | editorial design | architecture, culture, publishing | Electa |
2005 | Eduardo Souto De Moura | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2005 | Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa SANAA | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2005 | Charles e Ray Eames. Designer del ventesimo secolo | editorial design | design, publishing | Electa |
2004 | Luoghi e architetture | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2004 | Katsura. La villa imperiale | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2004 | Michele De Lucchi. Comincia qui e finisce là | editorial design | architecture | Electa |
2003 | La luce italiana | editorial design | design, publishing | Electa |
2003 | Livio e Piero Castiglioni. Il progetto della luce | editorial design | design, publishing | Electa |
2002 | Design – a book series | editorial design | design, publishing | Electa |
2002 | Design & grafica – a book series | editorial design | design, publishing | Electa |
2002 | Ad esempio – a book series | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2002 | Documenti di architettura – a book series | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2002 | Abecedario. La grafica del ’900 | editorial design, strategy | design, publishing | Electa |
2002 | Architetti moderni – a book series | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2002 | Architettura e architetti classici – a book series | editorial design | architecture, exhibition | Electa |
2002 | Adolf Loos e il suo Angelo | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2002 | Saggi documenti monografie | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2001 | Achille Castiglioni. Tutte le opere 1918–2002 | editorial design | architecture, design, publishing | Electa |
2001 | Delirious New York | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |
2001 | Robin e Lucienne Day. Pionieri del design contemporaneo | editorial design | design, publishing | Electa |
2000 | Le macchine volanti di Corradino D’Ascanio | editorial design | design, publishing | Arredamenti Campesan, Electa |
1999 | Aldo Rossi. I quaderni azzurri | editorial design | architecture, design, publishing | Electa |
1999 | A&a Architetti e architettura – a book series | editorial design | architecture, publishing | Electa |